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A Special VIP Offer for Police Officers, Firefighters and Corrections Officers...

Lose Weight, Get in the Best Shape of Your Life
and Like Jennifer Wanda and Kelly
You Really Could Win
Your Share of $18,000 in Cash Prizes!

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What is Lifestyle180
Who is Lifestyle180 for?
When is Lifestyle180 offered?
Do I Attend Lifestyle180 In Person?
Who Designed This Program?
Is Lifestyle180 Guaranteed?
Do I Need A Gym Membership?
What If I�m Currently Nursing An Injury Back To Health?
What Do I Need To Bring To Lifestyle180?
Can I Do This If I�m Vegan?
Why Limit The Course To 180 Students?
How Exactly Does Lifestyle180 Work?
What Exactly Do I Get For Enrolling as a Student?
How Much Does It Cost?
Is It Worth It?
Are You Still Undecided?
Why Not Just �Do-It-Yourself� Weight-Loss?
Enroll Now!

What is Lifestyle180?

Lifestyle180 is a 20-week online and on-the-phone lifestyle-education course for permanent weight-loss. Lifestyle180 delivers the knowledge, support, accountability and motivation to ensure that you not only lose up to 70 pounds in 20 short weeks and that you learn the real secrets of keeping it off for life.

Who Is Lifestyle180 For?

Lifestyle180 is for you if you �

  • want or need to lose at least 10 and as much as 70 pounds in just 20 weeks.
  • are at least 18 years of age.
  • are willing to use the internet daily.
  • want to learn the truth of permanent weight loss.
  • are ready to put yourself first for a few months.
  • have a burning desire to lose weight.
  • have a coachable spirit.
  • would like a chance to win your share of $18,000 in cash prizes!

When Is Lifestyle180 Offered?

Lifestyle180 is only offered once a year and now is the time to sign up for it! Lifestyle180 begins February 6th, 2013. It ends June 26th, 2013, exactly 20 weeks later.

Do I Attend Lifestyle180 In Person?

No, you don�t have to travel at all to participate in Lifestyle180. Lifestyle180 is delivered via a combination of online, mobile-app and telephone interaction. This means you save time and money by not having to drive to attend.

Who Designed This Program?

Hello, my name is David Greenwalt and I�m the founder of Leanness Lifestyle University and the creator of the Lifestyle180 course. I�ve been helping people improve their bodies for over 30 years. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree, early on I was a police officer for 10 years.

I wrote the text book for this course called "The Leanness Lifestyle.� It�s rated more than 4.5 stars out of 5 on I wrote and developed all of the software you�ll use online that records, tracks and reports on your nutrition, exercise and weight-management goals.

I have personally coached over 3,711 men and women online since 1999 through 120,000 pounds of fat loss. My software, tools and systems have been used by over 145,000 people and corporations worldwide. My coaching and fitness-software programs have been successfully used by hospitals, police departments, fire departments, medical clinics, educational institutions and literally every type of individual from every walk of life from over 20 countries.

I�m a Certified Wellness Coach in affiliation with Wellcoach and the American College of Sports Medicine.

Is Lifestyle180 Guaranteed?

I personally, 100% guarantee your results or your money back, if you do what is asked of you�no more than what will be asked of 179 other students.

Do I Need A Gym Membership?

You don�t need a gym membership to participate in Lifestyle180. If you have a gym membership that�s great. If you currently use a personal-trainer that�s awesome too!

To participate in Lifestyle180 you simply need a willingness to move for the purpose of becoming better fit. You can walk, workout at home, use DVDs or participate in group-classes. You may be a seasoned exercise pro or an absolute beginner. As long as you�re willing to move for the purpose of becoming better fit you can do Lifestyle180.

What If I�m Currently Nursing
An Injury Back To Health?

It�s not uncommon for people to join Lifestyle180 even though they are rehabbing from shoulder, knee or other injuries. We, of course, will ask that you clear any movement with your physician prior to beginning Lifestyle180 but rehabilitation or recovery won�t stop you from participating and losing a lot of weight.

What Do I Need To Bring To Lifestyle180?

To successfully lose up to 70 pounds in 20 weeks and graduate from the 20-week Lifestyle180 course you really only need to bring two things:

  1. A burning desire to lose weight and
  2. A coachable spirit.

If you�ll bring a burning desire to lose weight and a coachable spirit I promise you the Lifestyle180 program will fill in the rest of the missing pieces for safe, fast and permanent weight-loss.

Can I Do This If I�m Vegan?

Absolutely yes! We do provide nutrition recommendations but we are flexible to accept alternate food plans as long as they follow evidence-based healthy guidelines.

Why Limit The Course To 180 Students?

I have to limit the number of participants so I can continue to deliver the education, accountability, motivation and personal support you deserve with a really strong student-to-teacher ratio.

How Exactly Does Lifestyle180 Work?

Two-Week Get Acquainted Period

The first two weeks of Lifestyle180 are about getting you familiar with and using the amazing online and mobile-friendly nutrition, exercise and weight-management software. Just as you warm up before a serious exercise session we use the first two weeks as a warm-up period so you can get to know the layout of my program online. During these two weeks you�ll take personal how-to classes by telephone where you�ll be shown exactly how to use the tools to make sure you are comfortable and up to speed.

As a Lifestyle180-student you must demonstrate competency with the software within the two-week get-acquainted period. But don't worry, people of every computer skill level have used my online software with success and you will too.

After your warm up comes your first 5-week intense weight-loss period! The remaining 13 weeks include continued education, custom-tailored goal-setting and monitoring, accountability, motivation and personal support to keep you on track!

A Live 35-Minute Class Every Wednesday

On Wednesday February 6th, 2013 we will have our first LIVE class by phone at 7:25pm central time (5:25pm Pacific, 8:25pm Eastern). The class will last approximately 60 minutes. While I strongly encourage attending the Wednesday classes live by phone, if your schedule doesn�t permit you to do so, you can still participate in Lifestyle180.

Every live class is recorded and will be made available for downloading the Thursday after our live class. After the first class we meet every Wednesday, once a week at 7:25pm central, for 14 weeks. Each class after the first lasts about 35 minutes. I start my classes on time and respect your time by finishing very close to 35 minutes later.

As a Lifestyle180 student you�ll be contacted with the call-in number and passcode well before the teleconference.

After 14 weeks we teleconference twice-a-month through the conclusion of Lifestyle180 which is June 26th, 2013.

Recording Your Nutrition, Exercise and Weight Easy and Required

Tens of thousands of students have used my online tools that I personally programmed to record their nutrition, exercise and weight. We believe in logging the basics for awhile--not forever. In a real teaching, coaching and mentoring environment we use your logs to help us give you specific feedback, as teaching tools, and to track consistency and proficiency.

New for 2013 we have a Leanness Lifestyle University APP for the iPhone, iPad and Droid! This means you'll be able to log your food, exercise and weight directly into your phone. This adds a level of convenience never before available.

Also, if you're already using the popular APPs "LoseIt!" or "fitbit" you may continue to use those APPS to record your food, exercise and weight! We have partnered with both of those APPS and we transfer your data once a day at 11:59pm pacific into our system. So if you're already familiar with either of those APPS you won't have to learn a new food-logging program!

Progress And Performance Is Monitored�Even On Weekends

Every week I and my Graduate Assistants (GAs) will monitor one or more aspects of your performance and progress. We'll do so through your logs, weigh-ins, activity and nutrition data to ensure you are doing well and achieving your goals.

I will personally ensure your cardio- and resistance-training programs are appropriate for your skill level, physical capabilities or limitations, goals and equipment availability.

I or one of my GAs may call or text-message you if we feel you are falling behind or need extra support.

Class and Individual Assignments Mandatory

You should expect one quiz and one assignment every week for at least the first 10 weeks. Quizzes are graded. Quizzes and assignments are mandatory.

The purpose of the quizzes and assignments is to ensure that you are adequately progressing and truly learning what you need to know for creating the body you desire and permanently keeping the weight off.

Private Facebook Group and Discussion Board Only For Lifestyle180 Students

Your Lifestyle180 class will be given a private Facebook Group and discussion forum for fitness-related topics and simply getting to know each other in a private, comfortable, judgment-free zone.

Accountability With Penalties

There are fines for not completing assignments. These fines are spelled out on our first tele-class. Keep in mind that if I was unreasonable or the fines were abusive I wouldn't have raving student graduates with success rates unbeaten by any other program. In the end you have to trust me enough as your teacher and coach to help you succeed and to be fair. The final decision of whether you are performing at a reasonable level for Lifestyle180 is up to me and me alone.

What Exactly Do I Get
For Enrolling as a Student?

First and foremost you�re going to get guaranteed fat loss � more fat loss than you�d lose on your own and faster fat loss than you�d lose on your own.

Next, you�re guaranteed to have complete, instant access to my online nutrition, exercise, goal-setting, motivation and accountability software that I personally programmed to ensure your success. You won�t need to download any software and you won�t need to purchase any additional software. Once you sign up you�ll have instant access to everything you need.

You get complete use of the Leanness Lifestyle University APP for iPhone, iPad and Droid

When you�re first learning our online system you can tap into live on-the-phone human help to assist you.

You�ll get the best Coaching and mentoring for weight loss available. Regardless of your past weight-loss experience it�s a proven fact that utilizing the right mentors and Coaching will enhance and accelerate your ultimate success in any endeavor worth choosing. Lifestyle180 is the right mentoring and Coaching program if you�re at least 18, have at least 10 pounds to lose, and you�re serious about stripping the extra fat once and for all.

When you participate in Lifestyle180 you'll have me personally teaching and coaching you. In addition to me you�ll have not one, two or even three Coaches watching over you. As a Lifestyle180 student you�ll have 10 GAs plus me as your head Coach helping to hold you accountable and keeping you motivated. My GAs are hand-picked by me because they've demonstrated expertise of Leanness Lifestyle principles. They've lost weight, kept it off, and they have a passion for helping others do the same.

We�ll also be answering any questions and teaching you everything you need to know and, as needed, giving you a swift kick in the pants to keep you focused on achieving the goals we�ll set together.

But what else are you going to get besides experienced coaching?

Next, you get the Leanness Lifestyle textbook you�re going to need via PDF download. And you get the Audio Companion to Leanness Lifestyle which includes 8 MP3 downloads.

Your Lifestyle180 investment includes all classes taught by me and quizzes I personally grade.

As a Lifestyle180 participant you�ll also get access beginning February 6th to the members� only Facebook discussion group.

And let�s not forget that $18,000.00 will be awarded to the top finishers! I may be calling you on July 4th, 2013 to tell you you�ve won!

How Much Does It Cost?

Because you're a VIP public safety official you�re going to get everything I�ve described on this page and more for just one payment of $97 instead of seven payments everyone else will be paying. That means you are saving 86% off the regular price ($587 savings!)

Is it worth it? Can you afford it? I believe it�s worth 10 times the tuition I�m charging and I also believe you can�t afford NOT to do it if you have stubborn weight you want to lose. But don�t take my word for it.

Here are a few comments students had during the last year�s Lifestyle180 program.

Is It Worth It?
Read What Others Last Year Had To Say

�The savings on butter, cream wine and beer alone has more than made up for my investment.� �Drinking less Starbucks, lunches out, random treats, drinks, drinks, drinks, taxis home after is a huge saving!�

�Strangely I found that I seemed to have more money at the end of pay day. I started adding up what I was spending on alcohol...$27.50/wk for ride home beers, $60-$70/wk for liquor at house or man cave, $100/wk if we went out which we almost always did. $7-$10/ day for lunches out, at least another $200.00/wk for eating out, pizza,etc. Man where did I get all that money. No wonder I was always broke!�

�As a Little Suzie Methmaker I was spending $40 a month on butter, and about $50 a month on flour and sugar - because I was a bakeaholic.�

�Yesterday it occured to me that I have been saving money in non-food related areas of my life. Lifestyle180 has taken up so much of my time, I have not had the time or inclination to resort to "retail therapy."

I am happier and more focused. I am not out there shopping for the next solution or gadget that is (NOT) going to make me feel better. I have not even had to get any new clothes-- because I had plenty of things hidden in my closet that had gotten too small. Now, they fit! :-)�

�My diabetic meds (two of them), and blood pressure meds (2 of them), and my cholesterol med (one) and my allergy med (one) added up to about $90 a month. I'm off all of them now. I thought I'd have to stay on Clarinex but my alleges have gotten better and better as I've gotten my momentum.�

�Lifestyle180 is SOOOOO cheap for what you get. I mean $97/month?? For all of this? I get how people who don't really know what this is all about may have sticker shock about the cost, but for those of us in this, we really know that the quality of this program FAR exceeds the cost. (Heck, it far exceeds quadruple the cost!) Plus, the return on this investment is priceless. Absolutely priceless.�

�It is pretty cool to see the before Lifestyle180 and after Lifestyle180 check stubs. I am putting more money back in my pocket every month. And even if I wasn't it is totally worth it because of the mental peace it has given me.�

�To sum it up: Pint of blueberries...$3.99
Lifestyle180 fees.. $97
Lowest weight than I've been in years...PRICELESS!!

Unfortunately I think that for the most part when someone states they can't afford it, their true objection has nothing to do with the money.�

�I think - $$ is the excuse, but not a valid objection - it's always something else! $97 a month is really comfortable for any budget. Thanks to Coach for making it easy to pay for and allowing us to pay it monthly or it actually may be hard for some people. I can understand that not everyone has $600 - $700 at one time to cough up - I am one of those, but round it to $100 a month and that is ONLY $25 per WEEK! Anyone that objects to that investment in themselves needs to have their head examined!�

�I�m saving by not having to buy clothes to "get by" because I'm too fat for everything - now I have a "new" wardrobe every couple of weeks! I could open a retail shop with all of my sizes - haha!�

�I'm somewhat frugal. But this year, I said I did not care what the cost. When I reach my goal, every penny will have been worth the temporary expense. I think that's the excuse...people are not saying no to the cost. They are doubting their ability to do all the right things, for as long as they'll need to do them, before they can fully incorporate the habits into their new lifestyle.�

�Yesterday, I read a summary of a study by the George Washington University School of Public Health and the American Journal of Hypertension. The study listed average annual individual "out of pocket" cost of being significantly overweight/obese as $7,300. These costs are only related to increased life insurance premiums, Dr. visit co pays, pharmaceuticals, etc. This does not include the even more significant social and medical industry costs related to obesity which impact all of us, or the cost of excess food, drink, etc. As Sharon indicated when she started this thread - when you look at the true cost of being overweight/unhealthy, Lifestyle180 is an awesome deal!�

�Trips to Starbucks each morning - Average $6.00 @ 5 days a week. $30.00
Weekly trip to buy wine. - Average 3 bottles of wine @ $10.00. $30.00
Weekend out to eat Dinners - Averaged 1 x per week @ $45.00 $45.00
Weekend visit to Dairy Queen or Orange Leaf - Average $12.00 $12.00
Weekend visit to my favorite Coffee Shop - Average $10.00 $10.00
Trips to Quick Trip for lunch 2 x's per week - Average $12.00 $12.00

Holy freakin cow! I was spending around $140.00 a week on crap trigger food! I was in serious shock when I calculated this. This much money being spent on food that was ruining my health. What an eye opener it was to me. Wow! Better health and more money in my pocket! Lifestyle180 is an awesome deal!!!!!�

If you�ve made your decision then

Are You Still Undecided?

You're at a crossroad and it�s decision time. With every tick of the clock someone is taking one of the limited 180 spots I have available.

If you�re still undecided do me one favor please. Pretend for a moment that it�s 2014 � it�s the new year. 2013 has ended. When you look back over the year, what do you want to be able to say about your 2013?

Will you be in the same shape you are now, or did you invest in yourself to become better? Will you awaken each day feeling refreshed, energized and excited to meet the day or will you drop an F bomb before your feet ever hit the floor realizing you�re still too fat? Did you get the six pack or are you still carrying around that keg? Is the cottage cheese gone or are the dimples now more like moon craters? Are you feeling good about you and having more and better sex or are you still self-conscious with sex being infrequent, lights-off-only, nonexistent or boring? Did you keep that promise to yourself that 2013 was going to be your year, the year you got the weight off and looked great, or did you click on the �X� and close your browser, leaving the Lifestyle180 website without giving it a go?

Keep imagining it�s now 2014 and you�re still reflecting on 2013. Are you in control of your food or is your food still controlling you? Did you improve your cholesterol or blood pressure or diabetes or are you taking 1, 2, 3 or 5 medications because you let it go another year without getting healthy.

Now fully visualize yourself 5 years from now with your current habits. What do you see? Now fully visualize yourself in 5 years if you start losing weight as one of only 180 in Lifestyle180 with me standing by your side in support.

What do you see when you think of yourself at your ideal weight? How does that feel? What does that say to those around you? How does it feel when you think of looking back at 2013 knowing you did it, you really did it!

Now, about that crossroad you�re at �

Why Not Just �Do-It-Yourself� Weight-Loss?

It�s common to believe you should be able to lose weight on your own. The research is clear; do-it-yourself weight-loss doesn�t work.

100% of people wanting to lose weight want to do so successfully and permanently. The reality is those who have struggled with their weight longer than a year fail to achieve both of these goals 80 to 95% of the time.

Weight loss demands an evidence based approach with additional personal, professional and spiritual help as needed. Lifestyle180 is exactly that--evidence based with the personal and professional help you need.

The outside forces driving you to eat more and move less are tremendous. With Lifestyle180 you�ll learn how to develop an even stronger internal force to overcome these obesity-promoting pressures.

I've tried everything...

You may feel just that--that you really have tried everything. Trust me�you really haven�t tried everything. You know how the other diet-programs end. The ending to the Lifestyle180 story will be different.

The ending will be different because Lifestyle180 is different. Unlike the other programs out there, other diets you've tried, neither I nor the program I created is going to lie to or mislead you. I won�t tell you that some miracle pill, powder, potion or secret exercise regimen is going to be your simple weight-loss miracle. There is no such thing.

Weight-loss is complex but Lifestyle180 is an evidence-based lifestyle-education program that simplifies the processes necessary to help you get and keep the weight off permanently. This time you�re going to get the fat off and keep it off.

Lifestyle180 Is The Solution For Permanent Weight-Loss

Lifestyle180 Is The Missing Link For the Struggling Dieter

The definition of insanity is repeating the same things that don�t work over and over expecting different results. You need to stop the insanity of going it alone and prepare now to feel amazing beginning the moment you click the signup link below.

When you click the enroll now link and say yes to yourself you�ll have stopped the lonely insanity of doing what hasn�t worked and will never work. Instead you�ll be on your way, literally in just a few minutes, to a new body, a new outlook, and a new confidence.

I promise I�m going to share every nugget of fat loss you need to know and that I�ve painstakingly and expensively learned over the past 30 years.

As you're thinking about putting my course to work for you, you can begin to imagine how amazing you soon will look and how sexy, vibrant and alive you�ll feel when others compliment you. You can begin to feel really confident and comfortable in your brand new body.

I know you realize how important it is for you to do this for your family life, for your social life and for your love life. But most important is that you realize you must do this for no one else but yourself right now.

And you might just win $5,000 individually or your share of $18,000 in total cash prizes!

So Go Ahead Click This Link and
Sign Up for Lifestyle180 and Let's Get Started
On Your New Future Right now

 Yes! David I want everything you discussed on this page. I want to be a part of Lifestyle180. I want to lose fat once and for all. I'm ready to commit some time, energy, affection and money to MYSELF and I expect to receive everything you discussed on this page which is summarized below. Count me in!

David, I expect the following as a participant in Lifestyle180:

  > I'll lose fat�and pretty fast too

   I won't have to travel to do your Course. I realize it's an on-the-phone, online, education-based weight-loss and lifestyle program to teach me how to match my behaviors to my strongest inner desires to be lean, healthy, sexy and fit.

  Complete, instant access to Leanness Lifestyle University using nutrition, exercise, goal-setting, motivation and accountability software David programmed to ensure my success.

  Live on-the-phone human help to assist me in learning the Leanness Lifestyle University system.

   True Coaching and mentoring from Certified Wellness Coach, author and fitness expert David Greenwalt plus guidance and accountability from 10 other Graduate Assistants who have all transformed their bodies using Leanness Lifestyle.

   A 2-week get-acquainted period, followed by 5-weeks of intense weight-loss, followed by 13 weeks of custom-tailored goal-setting and monitoring to keep me on track so I achieve all my health and fitness goals. In all? I know that Lifestyle180 is 20 weeks from February 6th to June 26th, 2013.

   The Leanness Lifestyle textbook complete as a PDF download.

   The 8-MP3 Audio Companion with over 7 hours of professionally-recorded audio from David Greenwalt telling me things I'll also find in the book but also several important topics not in the book.

   Classes taught by David and quizzes I have to take that he personally grades.

   Members' only Facebook discussion forum. The collective wisdom of my fellow dedicated, committed Course students is extremely valuable.

   15 total students' only Live Coaching Calls each Wednesday beginning February 6th, 2013 at 7:25pm central.

   The opportunity to win $5,000 individually or your share of $18,000 in total cash prizes!

   A no-questions-asked-money-back guarantee if you follow through on what we ask you to do.

I Expect To Get Everything Talked About In The Presentation and Everything Discussed Above. I'll Enroll Now For Just One Payment Of $97

   © 1999-2010 Leanness Lifestyle University | Become An Affiliate